9th Annual Archbold Research Symposium
A day of presentations by Archbold staff and collaborators
Tue. 01/21/25; 2:00 pm - Tue. 01/21/25; 10:00 pm
Archbold Biological Station (in person or virtual)
Join us for a full day of presentations by Archbold staff and collaborators!
Bring your lunch and enjoy the lunchtime poster session. These presentations are open to the public and recommended for adults or teens interested in science and research. Join anytime for sessions of interest.
Please register here and complete our Release of Liability.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar!
When: Jan 21, 2025 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: 9th Annual Archbold Research Symposium
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Webinar ID: 813 4908 5120
Passcode: 767236
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kw6drzWap
Participants may attend in person or via zoom.
You must agree to the terms in our Release of Liability by entering your name on the registration form when prompted, stating that you have read and understand the terms and agree to the conditions. The person entering his/her name on the registration form as the parent or guardian of a minor child acknowledges that they are also agreeing to the terms of our Release of Liability as the parent or guardian of listed minor child/children.