Distinguished Speaker Seminar
Dr. Corey Callaghan
Thu. 01/23/25 - Thu. 01/23/25
Leveraging large-scale participatory science data for local and global-scale biodiversity research
presented by Dr. Corey Callaghan, University of Florida Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Thursday, January 23, at 3:30 PM
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Participatory citizen science initiatives like eBird and iNaturalist are generating upwards of hundreds of thousands of observations per day. But how can these data inform biodiversity research? In this talk I'll look at how citizen science data are being used to aid our understanding of biodiversity, broadly, ranging from applied research questions to a better understanding of ecological principles, with a focus on how these data can be used now and in the future. I'll also discuss the necessity to think about these data, and the processes by which they are generated, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
About Corey: Corey T. Callaghan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida, based at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Florida. His research focuses on leveraging 'big data', often contributed through citizen science initiatives, to understand biodiversity in space and time, with an emphasis on how biodiversity responds to anthropogenic habitat modification. In his free time he can most often be found birding or iNatting.
Website: www.coreytcallaghan.com
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When: Jan 23, 2025 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Corey Callaghan Seminar
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