Tree on Archbold's ReservePhoto by: Zach Franco

To conserve large landscapes like the Florida Wildlife Corridor, payments for ecosystem services could be key

by Joshua Daskin and Jen Guyton on 19 June 2024

  • Florida has among the fastest-growing state populations of any U.S. state, averaging 1,000 new residents daily which drives the development of natural ecosystems, timberlands, farms, and ranches, reducing habitats for wildlife and open spaces for people to enjoy.
  • The Florida Wildlife Corridor aims to protect a continuous, 18-million-acre tract of land spanning the length of the state–from Alabama to the Everglades–to keep 50% of the state undeveloped and provide a much needed corridor for wildlife to move north, south, east or west.
  • Because there may not be enough public money to acquire or put easements on all remaining unprotected land within the corridor, payments for ecosystem services agreements–which allow public or private interests to pay landowners for clearly defined ecosystem services like wildlife habitat or water catchment–may become an important component of financing the project, a new op-ed argues.

Read the full Mongabay commentary by Dr. Joshua Daskin & Dr. Jen Guyton here.