Collaborate with us
Archbold welcomes collaborations with scientists and conservationists from around the world. Some of the projects we are proudest of involve decades-long partnerships with university faculty who have chosen to make Archbold their ‘second laboratory': their academic home away from home.
All visiting scientists are required to complete a visitor application; please contact our Facilities Coordinator to begin this process. Visiting scientists will then be connected with the relevant Program Director for their proposed research. Once on site, they will be welcomed fully into our community of scientists, conservationists, interns, volunteers, and fellows.
Prior to their visits, visiting scientists should arrange with their home institutions to obtain all necessary permits (IACUC, State, Federal, etc) associated with their research and protocols. This is necessary because Archbold’s existing research permits do not cover visiting researchers. Appropriate Program Directors must also be consulted before seeking permits, and Archbold must be copied on these permits before arrival.
Archbold is also proud to offer several fellowships and awards that support research stays for early career scientists, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers.
This title may be conferred on persons of recognized scientific standing who are actively engaged in original research that contributes significantly to the scientific program at Archbold. Such persons normally hold an earned doctoral degree. Research Associate appointments are made for five-year periods and must be renewed. The terms of appointment for Research Associate entitle them to gratis lodging, a waiver on fees, and access to vehicles and facilities for their research activities.

This title may be conferred on persons of recognized scientific standing who are actively engaged in original research, at or near Archbold that contributes significantly to the scientific mission of the Station. Such persons normally hold an earned doctoral degree. Research Affiliates may establish grant accounts at Archbold for funded research. Research Affiliate appointments are made for two-year periods and must be renewed.

Visiting Scholars at Archbold
Each year, Archbold awards two grants-in-aid of research, with awardees receiving up to $2,000 annually. Applicants should already be enrolled in a graduate program or appointed as a postdoctoral scientist and studying in any area of field biology. The proposed work must involve field research conducted at Archbold and/or the immediate area and include at least 4 weeks based on-site at Archbold.
Award posted on Archbold webpage, Early September
Applications due, Mid November
Applicant's notified via email, Mid December
Letter with award terms and budget to recipients, Early January

Facilities and accommodations
Our sanctuary, your science
Archbold facilities are available by prior application; our Facilities Coordinator will start you with this process. Research equipment is available upon request and reservation for visiting scientists and accompanying staff.
Archbold also has room, board, and laundry options available on-site. Among these, the LEED ® Platinum Adrian Archbold Lodge has guest bedrooms for short term stays. For long-term stays, several fully furnished cottages are available.