Conservation of Military Landscapes
Military lands are home to more Endangered species than National Parks. Working within the Avon Park Air Force Range Sentinel Landscape, we combine research, demographic monitoring, and applied conservation to improve habitat and population management for Threatened and Endangered species including the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow, Florida Scrub-Jay, and Red-cockaded Woodpecker.
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Primary Research Areas
Avian population ecology, Landscape ecology, Endangered species management and conservation, Wildlife management
Primary Location(s)
Avon Park Air Force Range, DeLuca Preserve, Lake Wales Ridge Wildlife & Environmental Area
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Conservation Science of Military Landscapes
Military lands are home to more Endangered species than National Parks. Working within the Avon Park Air Force Range Sentinel Landscape, we combine research, demographic monitoring, and applied conservation to improve habitat and population management for Threatened and Endangered species including the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow, Florida Scrub-Jay, and Red-cockaded Woodpecker.